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How to appeal a denied SSD claim in Indiana

On Behalf of | Apr 7, 2023 | Social Security Disability, SSD Denied Claims/Appeals

An estimated 2 million Americans apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits each year in the United States. If your Indiana SSD claim is denied, there are steps you can take to appeal the decision. The entire process can take years or even months, but there’s a chance you’ll get the decision reversed.

Request a reconsideration

The first step in getting the decision reversed for your SSD denied claim is to request reconsideration. You must make this request within 60 days of receiving your letter of denial. It’s possible to make this request by mail or online.

A medical review team and an examiner from the local Disability Determination Services agency will review your claim. No one involved in your initial review participates in this step. A new set of people are chosen to review your claim from a fresh point of view.

Get help from an administrative law judge

If you’re disappointed with the decision made by Disability Determination Services, you can request a hearing with an administrative law judge. You can request a hearing via the Social Security Administration’s online appeal system or by completing and mailing form HA-501. Options for hearings include via online video, in person or by phone.

The administrative law judge will listen to your testimony about why you think your SSD appeals actions are valid. The judge will also review your case. The judge will also receive input from expert witnesses concerning your case.

You might have to wait for up to 8 months or longer before you can get a hearing. When the hearing ends, you’ll receive a written decision from the administrative law judge.

Appeals council

If you’re not pleased with the outcome of the hearing, you can make an appeal to the Appeals Council. The Appeals Council can agree with the administrative law judge, reverse the judge’s decision or order the judge to grant a new hearing. You’ll have to contact the federal court if you’re not satisfied with the outcome presented by the Appeals Council.

Appealing a SSD claim denial

Appealing a claim denial is a lengthy process. After you receive a disappointing response, you usually have up to 60 days to move to the next level of appeals. You can follow the progress of your appeal via your online Social Security account.
