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Why were you denied Social Security benefits?

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2023 | Disability Claims Process, SSD Denied Claims/Appeals

Many people are denied when they first apply to receive Social Security benefits. This can be for a number of reasons. If you’ve gotten a rejection after applying for these benefits in the state of Indiana, it’s ideal to know why this could be the case and how you should proceed.

Reasons for a denial of your application

There are a few main reasons that can cause a Social Security Administration to reject your benefits application. For instance, you may have too much income at the time. What they look at is your substantial gainful activity level, and if this is beyond the accepted level for the year, they will outright deny your rights to Social Security benefits.

Another thing that can mean an immediate denial is if your reason for seeking these benefits doesn’t qualify you to receive it for at least 12 months. Other reasons include that the Social Security Administration wasn’t able to locate you or if you don’t provide them with the proper medical records or other type of information.

Appeal for a different decision

Though it’s not always possible to get the Social Security Administration to change the decision, there’s still a chance. You can request for a reconsideration from the Disability Determination Services as your first step. If this doesn’t work out, you would file a request for an administrative law judge hearing. There is a higher level of approval at this level, but if it doesn’t work you can go further with a request to the Appeals Council and then the Federal District Court.

It can be a frustrating process to apply for Social Security benefits and receive a denial of your claim. You have the right to put in an appeal. Put together an appeal with the necessary documentation and other information.
